The beginners in programming face many difficulties that from where we start coding . So in this blog I will provide you the knowledge and guidance to start coding and become professional in coding specially if you are a student . In this blog you will learn all the languages with notes written by me when I was a beginner.
So the two questions comes in mind that what is coding and from where we should start it ?
Lets Start
We start with a basic question that what coding or programming is ?
Here is the answer:
Coding is a part of programming that deals with writing codes that a machine can understand. Programming is a process that creates programs that involve the ratification of codes. Coding requires basic knowledge of programming skills without any software tools . So, this is the basic definition of coding .
Now moving on the next question that from where we should start coding .
There are many ways to start coding depending on what you want to achieve, what language you want to use, and what resources you have available. Here are a few general steps to get started with coding:
But if you are a beginner so I suggest that first choose a language of your choice . There are many programming languages available in this field .
Some famous languages are :
1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Go
4. Java
5. Kotlin
6. PHP
7. C#
8. Swift
9. R
10. Ruby
11. C and C++
12. Matlab
13. TypeScript
14. Scala
15. SQL
16. HTML
17. CSS
18. NoSQL
19. Rust
20. Perl
So these are some famous programming languages which you can use to become
a professional programmer .
But I will suggest you to learn python first . Because as a beginner you need a simple language which gives you the overall view of programming .
So in our upcoming blogs we
will learn python .